Home Star Runner vs. Happy Tree Friends
I'm a Home Star Runner fan. If you haven't seen the site, go there now and spend about a week delving into its greatness. Like many people I've talked to, the Strong Bad e-mails are my favorite. Again, if you don't know what I'm talking about, get thee hence!
Recently, someone introduced me to another site, Happy Tree Friends, comparing it to Home Star Runner. She said things like, "Home Star Runner is so dumb. Happy Tree Friends is waaaaay better. It's a lot funnier than..." Blah blah blah. Whatever. I wasn't listening.
I've had a chance to observe both sites and I've come to the conclusion that my initial analysis was correct: Home Star Runner RuLeZ! Here's why:
1. Better character development. Gotta love the characters on HSR. HTF have no personalities... or they're all pretty much the same.
2. Kid-friendly. HTF is just sick. It's like Looney Toons meets Freddy Kruger; they draw up a business plan and launch a Flash site.
3. Good, funny stories. HSR keeps me coming back. It's hilarious. HTF is all the same.
4. It appeals to my intellect. HSR has good, smart writing. HTF is mindless.
Go and see for yourself.
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