Participate in My Nonsense

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Nerd Alert!!!

I learned something about myself recently. I've always thought of myself as a non-prejudicial person and that I accept everyone regardless of their background, race, color, height, weight, socio-economic status. In high school I had a lot of friends and associated with people from every clique. I was a friend to everyone and everyone was my friend.

However, recently I've realized that there is a group of people I don't like to associate with and am embarrassed to be around. Those people... nerds, geeks, dweebs, dorks, pencil-necks. I found myself the other day trying to avoid a couple of these people like the plague. The worse part was that this was in public. I was afraid that the general population of normal people would see me with them, associate me with them, and place a label on me. For the fun of it, go to your local video store and rent some Anthony Michael Hall movies.

Part of the reason I was so paranoid is because of my profession and interest in computers. It's common to label someone who likes computers as a geek. For instance, I refer to the location of our computer department where I work as "The Nerdery." (Sorry, Dan. You’re exempt.)

In my defense, I have a long history of coolness and I try to curb any hint of nerdiness with my interest in music and playing the bass guitar. Fact: bass players are cool.

I felt bad about this situation because I don't think it's right of me to look down my nose at anyone. I shouldn't think I'm better than anybody and I think I was doing that in this situation. The Bible says, "Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited." Yikes. That one hurt. I'd feel a lot better about myself if I stopped reading the Bible.


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