Participate in My Nonsense

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

The K-Mart Experience

Going through a checkout at K-Mart is as much fun as doing your income taxes. Had it not been for the sale price of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, I would not have stepped foot in that place. I guess I could have purchased it for less than $15 somewhere else but no one in their right mind goes to K-Mart so I figured it would be pretty empty and the shelves would be full. I was right: no one in their right mind was there and there were plenty of people at K-Mart...

...including the lady with two young screaming kids in the checkout right next to me. You know the one. Her kids are always screaming because they didn't get what they wanted. It turns out that the orange car is not as good as the green car. Apparently toys will jump out of a cart incessantly onto the hard floor as if to jump for their freedom. Perhaps they know what kind of existence they will have in the possession of these two brats, one of which I could not tell was a boy or a girl because of the long curly hair. I actually thought it was a girl until the mother called out the child's name through clinched teeth.

I think K-Mart needs to fire the people who enter prices into their computer because it seems that every time (and I'm not exaggerating one bit) I'm in their checkout line someone needs a price check. It also seems that the length of time it takes to complete the cycle of a price check is equal to the gestation cycle of an elephant give or take a couple days. Today was an especially unique day in that there were three lines open and each lane required some sort of managerial assistance prolonging the agony as I stand there next to the devil's seed in a shopping cart. Management makes a wise decision to open up two more lanes but they are also subject to the same fate as the other three lanes. I would have rather paid an additional $1 at any other store than to suffer through the checkout lines at K-Mart. All will be forgotten when I partake of the widescreen, 5.1 Dolby digital sweetness of the newest addition to my DVD collection.


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