Participate in My Nonsense

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Stupid Doctor Numbnutz

Having some letters behind your name doesn't mean you're smart. If someone has earned the right to be called "Doctor" (and I use the word "earned" very loosely) it means one of several things: a) he, in fact, is intelligent, b) he is highly ambitious and motivated, c) he paid a lot of money, d) he kissed someone's butt, e) he is motivated by fear of losing his job, f) he is motivated by pride, g) he wants to better himself as a person, or h) he wants to excel in his field of expertise. Some of those are legitimate answers to why someone would want to pursue their doctorate. However, most of those answers demonstrate that you could be as dumb as a doorknob and still get your doctorate. I understand that higher education demands a certain level of mental capacity and brain activity but it's possible that Doctor Numbnutz doesn't know how to tie his shoe, balance his checkbook, or operate the basic functions of a computer.


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