Participate in My Nonsense

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Don't ruin it for me

I'm sitting on the couch watching Napoleon Dynamite for probably the half-a-dozenth time (I have one eye on the computer and one eye on the TV). I'm glad this movie achieved so much success and notoriety but I'm getting tired of all the grassroots publicity it's getting.

My friend, Scott, introduced this movie to me many months before this movie came out on the big screen. In fact, we were watching the trailer and quoting lines before it even had a release date. A few months later, others started talking about it and began quoting the same lines I was familiar with for, like, flippin' four months... GOSH! Sorry, about that. I got carried away.

That's the thing, though. I'm hearing it day in and day out. I don't mind hearing the quotes and rehearsing the scenes if Napoleon fanboys would quote them accurately. Hearing a misquoted line from a movie is as annoying as watching someone chew their food with their mouth open. This society is densely populated with fanboys who flub-up Pedro, Kip, and Napoleon sayings and my guess is many of those people aren't really fans of the movie (possibly never even seen it) as much as they are fans of fitting in. Either get it right, people, or just don't even try.


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