Participate in My Nonsense

Friday, June 04, 2004

The Effects of Stress on Bookie

Ok, so my life is kind of being turned on its side right now. Lots of crap going on that I have no control over.
  1. I have mono (yes, mono) and a sore throat from hell. The mono isn't too bad because I get to lay around and watch reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and watch shows like The Top 25 Power Ballads of All Time on VH1. The sore throat is perpetual torture not unlike how it would feel to have someone cram a steel wool pad in my mouth and slowly jam it down my esophagus. By the way, when you're getting an ultrasound of your liver, just remember that the technicians have probably heard all the jokes like, "Is it a boy or a girl?", and they don't think they're funny anymore.
  2. My boss quit so I'll be reporting to someone else in an entirely different department beginning very soon. That's not necessarily bad, just different. Thinking of him quitting makes me want to watch Shawshank Redemption for some reason.
  3. My parents are moving out of their house they've lived in for 35 years and building a new one. Yay for them. Goodbye memories.
  4. The worship team I'm a part of at church is about to go through a major overhaul to accommodate the different schedule in the fall. The jury's still out on how that's going to turn out.
  5. Other little things that probably amount to one major thing... stuff with my children, broken relationships, wondering where I can get the money for another tattoo, brainstorming on how to reunite the 80s musical group Wham.
I think that 2-5 (not so much number 3) contributed to my condition described in number 1. Bottom line: stress.


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