Participate in My Nonsense

Monday, August 08, 2005

DJ Jazzy Jesus and the Holy Spirit

I turned on the Christian radio station yesterday morning as I was speeding from one church building to another (I figured I was justified that way) and the station wasn't coming in very clear. I must have been in a weird spot because it sounded like I was picking up two different stations. I could hear Lord, I Lift Your Name On High along with what sounded like a secular pop song. It was all very confusing because I couldn't zero in on one particular station.

At the risk of sounding hokey, I realized that this is what our spiritual crainium filter probably hears as we're feeding it an unbalanced diet (television, Internet, music, literature, etc.) through our pupil cases and audio holes.

We try to mix the funky tunes of the world's radio station with the smooth sounds of the Spirit and our spiritual groove gets out of whack.


  • You said it. I often wonder how men like Jonathan Edwards and other great men became such great thinkers and influential men of God. I think the answer is that they had a single minded devotion. They were able to keep all of life in perspective. We have so much competing for our attention, much of which is a waste of time. In a recent sermon I mentioned that when we reach the end of our lives all the things that seemed so important; money, leisure, possessions, etc. will be seen for what they really are; distractions, and those things that we may have viewed as distractions, church, our children tugging at our pantleg, late night talks with our spouse. These will be seen as the important things in life.

    By Blogger Duane, at August 09, 2005 11:28 AM  

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