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Friday, October 14, 2005

Hollywood running out of ideas

Stallone squares up for Rocky VI

I can't believe this is really happening. I knew Hollywood was running out of ideas but this takes the cake. Even though the movie hasn't been made yet, I'm going to have to give this two thumbs down. C'mon, the rival's name is Mason "The Line" Dixon. How's that for gimmicky!? What's next, Rocky vs. Predator? How about Rocky vs. the cast of Good Times? Maybe Rocky's dead manager, Mickey, after having been killed by the treacherous Clubber Lang, became so enraged in the afterlife that he developed a deep hatred for the sport of boxing and the great Rocky Balboa himself and possessed the body of Rocky's son in order to challenge him in the ring. Rocky VII will feature a 70-year-old Sly fighting his own son who is possessed by the spirit of his dead manager. Remember, you heard it here first.


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