Participate in My Nonsense

Friday, October 07, 2005

Tips for not pissing me off at work

Updated 10/26/2005

Don't leave me a voice mail AND send me an e-mail telling/asking me the same thing. Do one or the other.

When you send me an e-mail, do not Cc anybody and everybody who may or may not be remotely interested in what you have to say.

If you send me an e-mail, do not call me or stop me at lunch asking me if I've received your e-mail. I did. That's how the system works.

If I offended you by something I said in an e-mail, you probably took it the wrong way so talk to me about it before complaining to other people.

Don't ask me to leave a message for someone. I'm nobody's secretary. Write the note yourself or leave a voicemail.

Also, don't call my extension asking if one of my co-workers is in the office. Again, I'm nobody's secretary. Either leave them a message, send an e-mail, or walk down here and look for yourself.

Do not tell me to call you later. If what you want to talk about is so important, you can call me. It's not that hard.

Remember that you and your department are not the most important thing here. Get in line.

Do not ask questions like, "Are you busy?" or "Are you doing anything right now?". Yes and it's probably none of your business.

Do not approach me during my lunch hour to discuss work. That is my time. I may resort to chewing with my mouth open or coughing on you.

When sending me an e-mail, type a meaningful subject instead of something ambiguous like "Website" or "Question." Pretty much all the e-mails I receive are about a question on the website. Think creatively; it will probably do you a lot of good. Added 10/26/2005
Note: While this accurately represents some of my pet peeves, it's not meant to be taken too seriously.


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