On a more serious note
I received a phone call from Steph this afternoon informing me that my 55 year-old neighbor directly across the street had taken his life. As in every terrible situation, there are so many perspectives and so many people affected and hurt. I ask that you take a moment to intercede on behalf of the family, friends, and neighbors.
As a former man of the cloth, I felt an obligation to be present to listen, be supportive, and provide answers when necessary. I prayerfully welcomed that task as I drove home early from work. Several of us neighbors were talking in the driveway and someone mentioned the need to say a prayer for him. While I know it's no use to pray for the dead, I knew that openly crying out to God for wisdom and comfort for the living would be appropriate. As intentionally unceremonious as I could, I prayed.
I found myself in a similar situation about 7-8 years ago when a new-comer to our youth group's mother suddenly became sick and passed away. I was with the family in the hospital when she died and was asked to pray moments after her passing. [Warning: Christianese and possible offensive language ahead] I knew the religious background of the family and was fairly certain she was not a believer. Her eternal destiny was sealed about 4 minutes prior to this moment and there are no amount of prayers that can change that. In any case, I prayed for the family as I did today.
More thoughts later, probably. I'm tired.
As a former man of the cloth, I felt an obligation to be present to listen, be supportive, and provide answers when necessary. I prayerfully welcomed that task as I drove home early from work. Several of us neighbors were talking in the driveway and someone mentioned the need to say a prayer for him. While I know it's no use to pray for the dead, I knew that openly crying out to God for wisdom and comfort for the living would be appropriate. As intentionally unceremonious as I could, I prayed.
I found myself in a similar situation about 7-8 years ago when a new-comer to our youth group's mother suddenly became sick and passed away. I was with the family in the hospital when she died and was asked to pray moments after her passing. [Warning: Christianese and possible offensive language ahead] I knew the religious background of the family and was fairly certain she was not a believer. Her eternal destiny was sealed about 4 minutes prior to this moment and there are no amount of prayers that can change that. In any case, I prayed for the family as I did today.
More thoughts later, probably. I'm tired.
I don't find your language offensive, but I do find it baffling. I am not a religious person, nor am I an atheist. I am currently exploring my personal beliefs about God.
I often wonder what Christians actually believe. It seems to me that some Christians take the Bible as allegory, which I can understand. Other Christians take the Bible as literal fact, which, to be honest, blows my mind.
Please tell me - do you believe that this person is actually existing in a supernatural place and is physically burning because they did not accept Christian teachings before death?
Putting the issue of the existence of supernatural beings aside, this would mean that literally millions of people (some of which have never even heard of Jesus) are being sent to burn forever every year.
Is this what you really believe? I mean, that this is literally occurring?
Anonymous, at September 15, 2005 6:50 PM
Dave, first of all, welcome. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you find answers in your exploration.
Beliefs of Christians are all over the map when it comes to heaven, hell, and salvation. Some people, and I can understand why, can't fathom the though of a Supreme Being allowing people to be sent to a place of eternal torment. It's a hard concept to deal with and I don't understand it completely myself. However, I do believe in a literal hell, a literal heaven, and a God who wishes that all people would live forever with Him.
As far as this person goes, I don't know. I'm not going to say he's either in heaven or hell because I'm not the judge of those things. I hope that my neighbor did know God and confess Jesus Christ as Savior at some point in his life.
Matt Book, at September 16, 2005 12:28 PM
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