Participate in My Nonsense

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I dislike spam. I wouldn't say that I hate spam because spam is such an insignificant thing to devote such a strong emotion. I won't give the spammers the satisfaction of hating the 2K piece of solicitation that made its way into my junk mail folder (thanks to my spam filters).

Let's think about this issue a little differently for a moment. Consider for a moment that many of the emails classified as spam contain true and viable information. Glancing through my box o' spam, I see emails on subjects such as meeting online singles, winning free stuff, improving my sex life, hair loss remedies, low mortgage rates, and the list goes on.

What if it were all true? In fact, I have no doubt there are companies out there which offer lower mortgage rates, help you find your match, and offer products that increase hair growth. If you elimiate the possibility that these senders of unsolicited email are trying to infect you with a virus or a piece of spyware and if the email takes you to a legitimate web site, what are you left with? You're left with a legitimate piece of advertising. Unwanted? Yes, but still legit.

What we have here, folks, is the electronic equivalent to door-to-door evangelism. How does door-to-door evangelism work? You show up at someone's house unwelcomed and uninvited and, if they answer the door, pitch your product of redemption to them... if you get that far. Most likely, you're cursed at, have the door slammed in your face, and you are impolitely instructed where to reposition the piece of free literature in the unilluminated parts of your body.

Is your product true and viable? Absolutely. But people don't buy it or even consider it when it's forced upon them in that way. Maybe we need to do a little evaluation on how we sell our stuff instead of spamming people with the message of J3Su$ CHR1$T.

Note: Please don't turn off your spam filters and start buying into everything that comes into your inbox. If you do and receive a free iPod, it's mine... I called it.


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