We've Moved!
This was drafted as an email that was supposed to go out about six weeks ago. Since we haven't gotten to it yet, I decided to post it here. However, many of you reading this will still receive it via email and it will contain details on how to reach us (cell phone, snail mail, emial, smoke signal, carrier pigeon, etc).
Monday, June 26, Stephanie, Ryan, Makenna, and I relocated to northwestern Ohio-ian town of Woodville. "Why?" you may ask. Other than escaping creditors and the local authorities (police department, mental institutions, and the paper boy who wants his two dollars) the move was prompted by a desire to reconnect with family, both mine and Stephanie's. We live near my family (Bowling Green/Toledo area) but will have more opportunities to be closer to Steph's (Oregon and Arizona).
For those of you in PA (my 50th favorite state!), we will miss you incredibly and it is tearing irrepariable wounds in our hearts to be moving away from you. Our paths will cross again. As I told some of you, don't think of it as you're losing a friend as much as you're gaining a void. That probably doesn't help but it's funny, nonetheless.
For those of you in Northwest Ohio and Michigan, we look forward to spending time with you and awakening many long-time, long-distance friendships.
For those residing from the plains of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee, from New York to LA we hope to be able to see you more often, as well.
Here are some details for your address book so that you can contact us in the event of... well for whatever reason you might want to contact us.
Thanks for being a part of our lives. Please pray for us as we move and adjust to a new life, new house, new school, and new people we can add to our long list of friends.
Matt, Steph, Ryan, and Makenna Book
i thought maybe you had dropped off the face of the earth, and apparently I was right.
OH...robb's #1 all time fav state.
Vanessa, at August 06, 2006 9:51 PM
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