Participate in My Nonsense

Monday, October 13, 2003

My New Word: Decapotatoes

I have officially coined a word. I'm considering sending it to dictionary publishers to include in future revisions. It would help if it were actually used in common English language so please spread it around.

These little tasty treats, commonly known as “smiley fries” are heretofore known as:


I invented this word in the Spring of 2003 in the lunchroom where I work. To me, they looked like decapitated heads made out of French-fried potatoes. Hence the word: decapotatoes. It's kind of gory but I think it works. It may not show up on the list of weekly lunch items in elementary school cafeterias across the country but I'm sure little Johnny will ask the lunch lady, “Yo, can I have a slice of cardboard pizza and some decapotatoes?”

I'm not sure if it should be spelled decap o tatoes or decap i tatoes. Either one would work for me but let it be known that I have [un]officially coined this word.


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