Busy November Follow-up
I want to expand on my previous post about being busy. All of us from time to time go through seasons of busy-ness. For example, I, at this very moment, am busy with many things but overall I would not characterize my life as being crazy or busy. My lifestyle is not a busy one. Each one of us goes through periods where we feel like we're just holding on for dear life and I understand that. My earlier rant was mainly about a lifestyle of packing as many things possible into your 24 hour day.
As I said before, I don't think it's a bad thing to have some flex time in your schedule and not be busy all the time. It's ok to watch a little television in the evening as long as it isn't consuming your time and taking priority over other things. It's not a bad thing to be available to take care of something last-minute for someone in need. It makes me feel good when my wife decides to go out with a friend on a whim and is able to because I'm not obligated elsewhere.
However, I do believe that an idle life can lead to wrong behavior. But, I'm not talking about being lazy but rather not overcommitting yourself so that you don't have the opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends or be able to slip something in that's important, necessary, or purely for fun. Does that clarify things?
As I said before, I don't think it's a bad thing to have some flex time in your schedule and not be busy all the time. It's ok to watch a little television in the evening as long as it isn't consuming your time and taking priority over other things. It's not a bad thing to be available to take care of something last-minute for someone in need. It makes me feel good when my wife decides to go out with a friend on a whim and is able to because I'm not obligated elsewhere.
However, I do believe that an idle life can lead to wrong behavior. But, I'm not talking about being lazy but rather not overcommitting yourself so that you don't have the opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends or be able to slip something in that's important, necessary, or purely for fun. Does that clarify things?
yeah you're right
Pilgrim, at November 20, 2005 11:49 PM
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