I'm growing tired of Nextel's "bee-beeeeep." Not only do I have to listen to someone's entire conversation when talking on a Nextel phone but I have to endure being alerted to every bounce of the ball in the tennis-match-style dialogue.
Person 1: [bee-beeeeep]
Person 2: [bee-beeeeep] Yes
[beep]Person 1: [bee-beeeeep] Hi
Person 2: [bee-beeeeep] Hello
[beep]Person 1: [bee-beeeeep] Were you able to get your Monster Truck Driver's License?
[beep]Person 2: [bee-beeeeep] Heck yeah. Now I can start growing my mullet again.
Person 1: [bee-beeeeep] I like these phones. I feel like I'm a truck driver. Breaker 1-9.
[beep]Person in background: Would you take that somewhere else? I can't hear Dr. Phil.
Person 2: [bee-beeeeep] I agree. This is the future of phone technology. Maybe all phones will be like this in the future.
Person 1: [bee-beeeeep] I sure hope so, Lamont. I really like the way you have to stop the conversation and let the other person talk. It's like saying, "Ok, it's your turn now" instead of having a free-flowing, normal dialogue with someone. Plus, others can hear every word we're saying so we're able to share our gift of communication with the whole world.
[beep]Person in background: SHUTUP!
Person 2: [bee-beeeeep] Oh, I could talk to you for hours... and I actually could because we have free, unlimited minutes with these phones.
[beep]Person 1: [bee-beeeeep] But, I have to take off. I have to go pick up the tickets for the Barry Manilow concert. This is his last tour, you know.
Person 2: [bee-beeeeep] Ok, bye.
[beep]Person 1: [bee-beeeeep] Bye.
[beep]Person 2: [beeeeeeeep]
Person 1: [beeeeeeeep]