Participate in My Nonsense

Monday, February 09, 2009

25+ Random Facts About Me

Originally posted on my Facebook profile...

You all know the drill by now so I don't feel like I need to post the instructions. In fact, I'm probably one of the last people on Facebook to go through this exercise until it cycles around again in about 18 months. It's taken me many days to compile this list and I did so in my current notebook (#14).

If I tagged you, it's either because you tagged me and I'm respecting the rules (which I have not included. See above.), because I think you might be interested in what I've written, or because one of these items has/had something to do with you. Feel free to comment. I'd love the feedback.

1. Pennsylvania is my 50th favorite state.
2. My son is the same age I was when I had my first kiss.
3. I often get Alice in Wonderland Syndrome and have ever since I was a kid. I also have sleep apnea and Epstein-Barr Syndrome (recurrences of mono because of prolonged stress or if I don't take care of myself).
4. I started shaving my head when I was going to audition for a band and knew they wouldn't want someone with thinning hair.
5. I find myself constantly battling being impulsive and undisciplined. I think I've been winning lately more often than not.
6. I often wish I were as fun and likable as I used to be.
7. I think I alternate between being an extrovert and an introvert.
8. I have a large collection of playing cards. I also still have my collection of Garbage Pail Kids from when I was a little fella.
9. I would quit my job to be in a band if it were financially feasible. (I think I'm good enough.)
10. I blame my somewhat short fuse and impatience on years of exposure to stupid people.
11. I broke both arms at the same time at Camp Patmos (Kelley's Island, Ohio) grabbing the basketball rim, broke my hand playing volleyball, broke my finger bowling, and sprained my ankle playing street hockey.
12. My brother Tim and I have dated sisters at the same time on three occasions.
13. Until 7th grade, I didn't want to have anything to do with playing a musical instrument. I changed my mind in 7th grade Music Appreciation class (had to choose between that, choir, or band) because the music theory appealed to my mathematical and logical mindset. Much of my life since then has revolved around music.
14. I've been writing in notebooks/journals for the last 3 years and anticipate people will read them after I am dead if I don't destroy them first. :)
15. I have a Bachelor of Science in Bible and a Master's degree from a seminary and served as a pastor for three years and hope to again someday.
16. Say Anything is probably my all-time favorite movie.
17. I feel like I've matured a lot over this past year more than any other year that I can remember.
18. I was named "Most Neo-Normal" (whatever that means) in my high school senior yearbook.
19. I prefer to set the volume on the tv/stereo at a number that ends in 0, 2, 5, or 8.
20. In college I gave plasma regularly and saved the money to buy Stephanie's engagement ring.
21. I didn't play any school sports after 6th grade because I didn't want to get a physical exam. I really regret this and wish I would have continued with baseball.
22. By tasting, I can usually tell if someone bakes with sweetener vs. sugar and canned vs. real pumpkin.
23. In 11th grade chemistry class, I memorized and recited 53 of the periodic elements with their names, symbols, and atomic weights including all decimal places (Oxygen, O, 15.9994) and still remember many of them.
24. I have elaborate playlists set up on my iPod/iTunes that feeds into one playlist that acts as my personal radio station that I listen to every day.
25. I consider myself very fortunate, blessed, and undeserving to be married to such a loving and beautiful wife of almost 14 years and have the two most adorable, unique, and creative children a father could ask for.

  • I cannot stand mouth sounds or the sound of someone eating.
  • I like to make ring tones for my phone.
  • I am fed up with the fast food industry.
  • I have great disrespect for country music.
  • I prefer to drink water at room temperature except at meals.
  • I have much more compassion and love for people than what I let people believe. That is, unless you've contributed to #10 above.
  • On a related note to #2, I fully expect the next several years until both my children are married to be very difficult on either me, my kids, or both.