Participate in My Nonsense

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Random Thoughts

  • You can put either cheese or strawberries on any food and it will taste good.
  • Payday is like Christmas, Halloween, Tax Day, and the passing of Halley's Comet all rolled into one.
  • Bidding on Ebay stresses me out. There's too much pressure.
  • Paycheck with Ben Affleck is Minority Report with Tom Cruise except it's the lunch portion with french fries and cole slaw on the side.
  • If someone calls you on the phone and says, "What are you doing?" and you say, "Picking my nose," make sure you know exactly who you're talking to.
  • A cell phone is like your child: know where it is at all times and make sure it's silent when it needs to be.
  • The human body is going through the same additions the average home has gone through in the last 75 years. Homes have been equipped with electricity and other utilities, telephones and doorbells, media and entertainment, and computers. People are installing cell phones, beepers, PDAs, GPS systems, water pouches, heated outerwear, handheld game systems, and mp3 players on their belts, pockets, purses, and backpacks as regular fixtures.
  • [ANECDOTE] The nurse taking my blood yesterday addressed me as "Mark". After the second time I kindly corrected her and made light of the situation. After she called me "Mark" again I realized she didn't care.
  • I wonder how long I can use the excuse "I'm not lazy, I'm just recovering from mono."

Monday, June 21, 2004

Things that can ruin a picture

Steph took the kids strawberry picking with a friend and her son. They took some great pictures... 87 to be exact. Here's an example of a great picture below. But, alas! You are deceived. Below is just a portion of the actual picture. Click on the picture for the uncropped, less desirable version. I've added some cues to show you what can ruin a picture.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Bookie Update - June 14, 2004

My mono is slowly leaving me. My throat is feeling mucho better and I'm back to eating normal foods now. Note: when you have mono and the sore throat from hell, certain foods are not good like tacos and Honey Bunches of Os cereal. I might as well have been eating shards o' glass. My diet has consisted of hot tea, pudding, soup, pills, and an occasional bowl of ice cream. Last week was our anniversary and we postponed celebrating it because I didn't see any reason to spend lots of money on food I was only going to partially enjoy eating. Fortunately, tonight we'll enjoy a nice meal together.

I've got some exciting news... I downloaded a new ringtone for my phone. So, if you call me, I'll be notified of your call by Poison's Talk Dirty to Me. I thought it was a clever, humorous choice.

That's all for now.

Friday, June 04, 2004

The Effects of Stress on Bookie

Ok, so my life is kind of being turned on its side right now. Lots of crap going on that I have no control over.
  1. I have mono (yes, mono) and a sore throat from hell. The mono isn't too bad because I get to lay around and watch reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and watch shows like The Top 25 Power Ballads of All Time on VH1. The sore throat is perpetual torture not unlike how it would feel to have someone cram a steel wool pad in my mouth and slowly jam it down my esophagus. By the way, when you're getting an ultrasound of your liver, just remember that the technicians have probably heard all the jokes like, "Is it a boy or a girl?", and they don't think they're funny anymore.
  2. My boss quit so I'll be reporting to someone else in an entirely different department beginning very soon. That's not necessarily bad, just different. Thinking of him quitting makes me want to watch Shawshank Redemption for some reason.
  3. My parents are moving out of their house they've lived in for 35 years and building a new one. Yay for them. Goodbye memories.
  4. The worship team I'm a part of at church is about to go through a major overhaul to accommodate the different schedule in the fall. The jury's still out on how that's going to turn out.
  5. Other little things that probably amount to one major thing... stuff with my children, broken relationships, wondering where I can get the money for another tattoo, brainstorming on how to reunite the 80s musical group Wham.
I think that 2-5 (not so much number 3) contributed to my condition described in number 1. Bottom line: stress.