After seeing a news cast about donating blood, I visited the American Red Cross web site to see if I am still able to donate. I was ineligible for 12 months a couple years ago because of a tattoo but I was wondering if I'm eligible since I have Epstein-Barr Syndrome. Well, it turns out that I can no longer donate blood. Yes, the American Red Cross forbids me from giving even though my blood type is O-negative. Here's what their web site states:
If you had hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) caused by a virus, or unexplained jaundice (yellow discoloration of the skin), since age 11, you are not eligible to donate blood. This includes those who had hepatitis with Cytomegalovirus (CMV), or Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), the virus that causes Mononucleosis.
I was yellow once. I had a mad case of jaundice on Memorial Day of last year. I was all kinds of yellow (or as they say in less industrialized areas of the country: yeller).
It's kind of depressing because, even though I haven't donated in several years, this was something I was thinking about doing again and always considered it a privilege. Now, I'm banned. My blood is no good to society.
Unfortunately, many local churches treat a wayward believer in the same fashion. One mistake and you're labeled. One indescretion or a time of rebellion and you're unqualified. One poor choice and you're a second-class Christian in the eyes of everyone, unfit to lead or serve, and there's nothing you can do about restoring your reputation and good-standing in the local church.
If only we could love the way God loves and forget like God forgets. God still loves me even if I was yellow once.